Tag: showcasegreenandwin


Showcase the Green and Win: ECO Creators Contest – Electric Castle 2018

Update 2: Thank you, all, for the great contest submissions. We have received numerous creative ECO content pieces, so we will need to take a bit more time for the jury to review and select the winners. We will announce the results by the 17th of August, the latest.

Update: for those of you who need more time, we extended the deadline until the 30th of July. We cannot wait to see your eco-creations!  

Capture the ECO Program of Electric Castle 2018 in a creative way and share it online to convince as many as possible that a sustainable society needs everyone’s involvement!

We’re waiting for your photos, videos or articles in regard to sustainable practices you notice at the festival.

You just need to publish your creative content on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or personal blog/site and send the link at electriccastle@mainoi.ro together with your contact details until Thursday, 26th of July.

You can win awesome prizes, thanks to our partner, Lidl Romania: a custom bicycle, a solar backpack or an invitation for the festival’s next edition in 2019!

Read below the contest rules (RO)


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