We are happy to announce our heroes on bikes for Electric Castle 2017! Our fiery and strong-minded cyclists, the official Eco Ambassadors . They are ready to pedal more than 250 km to the castle, rooting for the causes they care most about.
Atelier Pinion – Electric Castle 2017 ECO Ambassadors
Alex, Matei and Bogdan are three passionate bikers from Bucharest. They are are going to pedal 620 km from the capital to Bonțida, Cluj. Their team is wearing the name of an independent bike and coffee shop which they’re representing during their journey.Continue Reading..
If you and your friends are cycling enthusiasts and got the rhythm in your veins, hop on your bike and have a blast at Electric Castle Festival. It’s on us! Free full pass, camping & other goodies await you at the gate of the Banffy Castle (Bonțida, Cluj).
Radu, a 2016’s ECO Ambassador, arrived at the Electric Castle after travelling 500 km by bicycle.
What do you have to do to become an ECO-Ambassador?
Choose an eco cause to promote before, during and after the festival. Any cause from deforestation to ecological education. Are you already working for a cause and you’re motivated to support it in the long run? Even better, your chances of being selected increase.
Pedal to the Banffy Castle from a distance greater than 250km.
Be visible online, a good communicator and active on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). The stronger your ability to reach people, the greater the chance of being selected.
Own a smartphone/tablet with mobile data. It is very important to have a device with Internet connection to share media content (photos, videos, live streaming) during your journey.
Have a public Strava account / other biking app. It is useful for proving your experience in pedalling on long distances. You will have to use this account to track your journey by bicycle towards Electric Castle.
Have the determination to convince as many festival participants as possible to join the ECO program at Electric Castle.
Own suitable cycling equipments and bicycle for this kind of journey.
Be experienced and physically capable to complete this kind of journey in safe conditions.
Be at least 18 years old.
Plan your journey ahead. We need you to be in Cluj-Napoca in the morning on the 12th of July (place and time TBA).
We greatly promote team working, but we also accept lone wolfs. Continue Reading..
Are you a group of 2 to 5 friends who love cycling, music festivals and fun? Then this is for you!
Team up, put your cycling equipment together, work your body out before the show and start riding the joy and fun of spreading the word about an eco-friendly world by bicycle through Europe on your way to Electric Castle Festival in Romania.
Check out this year’s line-up and get into the vibe by watching the 2015 after-movie:
If you are:
a. residents of one of the following countries: Germany, France, UK, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece
b. experienced cyclists with proper equipment (bicycle, gear) for long journeys,
then we – MAINOI NGO – environmental responsibles for Electric Castle, invite you to be our ECO Ambassadors and fill in the application for your entire group here by April 27th. Update: Deadline extended until June 22th.
When starting the journey, you can either reach the starting point of the closest hub to your location, namely: Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna, Munich or propose another city.
Each group need to have an ECO Ambassador Leader, who will:
lead the group of cyclists (2-6) from your country to Romania;
plan the journey from your country’s starting point to Oradea (Romania). We recommend EuroVelo routes to reach Romania, but you are free to adapt them according to your group’s location.
help us spread the call in your country to find the other cyclists who will complete your group. You can choose the members of your group. Anyone you know with a cycling record of one journey of at least the same distance that you would be riding together can join you.
define the minimum technical requirements that the eco-ambassadors should meet to join the ride;
be MAINOI’s and Electric Castle’s contact person;
monitor the journey through the Strava app, send pictures and videos from the road;
promote cycling as alternative means of transportation, love for Mother Nature and eco-friendliness at the festival.
What do you get in return?
ECO Ambassadors will receive free entrance and free camping at the festival.
Eco Ambassadors Leaders receive the ECO Ambassador title, which means free entrance at Electric Castle Festival, free camping spot, and other festival goodies, such as meals, coffee and drinks;
The ECO Ambassador Leader also gets a camera to capture all the wonderful and funny moments from the journey. Take good care of it, because it can be all yours after completing the journey;
we are waiting for you and the other groups at the Romanian border to travel together the last 350 km (Romania does not have cycling lanes, so you will find this incentive very helpful).
The Eco-Ambassadors Campaign 2016 is an initiative of MAINOI Association and Electric Castle Festival to promote cycling as alternative means of transportation and to spread the word about the shift we all need to make towards a carbon-emission free lifestyle.
Last year 12 ECO Ambassadors joined our CO2 Footprint Reduction Program, by riding their bicycles to the Banffy Castle from more than 250 km. It turned out to be a beautiful collective experience, so this year we decided to dig deeper and reach out to nature lovers and adventure seekers throughout Europe.
We are looking forward to meeting you, Eco Ambassadors Leaders! We are the people!
Are you a bicycle passionate, an explorer who loves music festivals?
Read carefully below because this just might be the best idea for how to spend your summer vacation!
We are looking for cyclists who want to ride their bicycles in a great adventure through Europe to reach the final destination, the Banffy Castle in Transylvania, on July 14th. This is the place where the magical 4th edition of Electric Castle Festival takes place. Check out this year’s line-up and get into the vibe by watching the 2015 after-movie:
If you are:
(1) a resident of France, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria or Hungary, and
(2) a cyclist with good equipment (bicycle, gear) and at least two long cycling journeys already undertaken,
then we – MAINOI NGO – environmental responsibles for Electric Castle, invite you to be our ECO Ambassador Leader, to spread the word of an eco-friendly world throughout Europe.
What do you do as an ECO Ambassador Leader?
lead the group of cyclists (5-6) from your country to Romania;
plan the journey from your country’s starting point to Arad (Romania). We suggest Paris / Amsterdam/ Munich /Vienna / Budapest as starting points and recommend EuroVelo routes to reach Romania, but you are free to adapt them according to your group’s location.
help us spread the call in your country to find the other cyclists who will complete your group. You can choose the members of your group. Anyone you know with a cycling record of one journey of at least the same distance that you would be riding together can join you.
define the minimum technical requirements that the eco-ambassadors should meet to join the ride;
be MAINOI’s and Electric Castle’s contact person;
monitor the journey through the Strava app, send pictures and videos from the road;
promote cycling as alternative means of transportation, love for Mother Nature and eco-friendliness at the festival.
What do you get in return?
you receive the ECO Ambassador title, which means free entrance at Electric Castle Festival, free camping spot, and other festival goodies, such as meals, coffee and drinks;
you receive a camera to capture all the wonderful and funny moments from the journey. Take good care of it, because it can be all yours after completing the journey;
we are waiting for you and the other groups at the Romanian border to travel together the last 350 km (Romania does not have cycling lanes, so you will find this incentive very helpful).
If you want to join this summer’s Eco-Cycling-Journey, you can apply here by March 25th. Update: we have extended the application date until 31st of March.
In the beginning of April, we will also be launching the call for the ECO Ambassadors, who will complete the groups coordinated by the ECO Ambassadors Leaders. There will be ca. 25 seats available for the Eco-Ambassadors, travelling in groups of 6, with one leader per group. The ECO Ambassadors will receive free entrance and free camping at the festival.
Cyclists from Germany, France, UK, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece can apply, but, upon selection, they need to reach the closest hub to their location when starting the journey (Paris / Amsterdam/ Munich /Vienna / Budapest). Stay tuned for details!
The Eco-Ambassadors Campaign 2016 is an initiative of MAINOI Association and Electric Castle Festival to promote cycling as alternative means of transportation and to spread the word about the shift we all need to make towards a carbon-emission free lifestyle.
Last year 12 ECO Ambassadors joined our CO2 Footprint Reduction Program, by riding their bicycles to the Banffy Castle from more than 250 km. It turned out to be a beautiful collective experience, so this year we decided to dig deeper and reach out to nature lovers and adventure seekers throughout Europe.
We are looking forward to meeting you, Eco Ambassadors Leaders! We are the people!
10 abonamente și alte premii puse la bătaie de către organizatorii Electric Castle Festival pentru cei care vin cu bicicleta la festival
CLUJ-NAPOCA – 27 mai 2015: Cea de-a 3a ediție a ELECTRIC CASTLE se dorește a fi mai prietenoasă cu mediu decât orice alt eveniment din România. Organizatorii au extins gama de activități ECO pe care o propune publicului său: din acest an, spiritul de ecologist poate fi îmbrățișat nu doar în locația festivalului, ci chiar înainte de a ajunge la castelul din Bonțida.
”Conform studiilor internaționale, 75% din amprenta de carbon a unui festival de muzică este generată de modul în care participanții aleg să călătorească până la destinația evenimentului. Anul trecut, cei mai mulți participanți la festival (47%) au ajuns la castel cu mașina și autobuzul (30%). Doar 17% dintre ei au optat pentru tren, iar procentul celor care au ales alte mijloace de transport, inclusiv bicicletele, a fost infim, de doar 6%. Fiecare procent câștigat în favoarea celor care optează pentru tren sau bicicletă, cele mai sustenabile mijloace de transport, este o contribuție reală la protejarea mediului înconjurator”, spune Andi Vanca, PR Manager al festivalului.
Un număr de 10 intrări gratuite la festival și alte premii constând în echipament sportiv sunt puse la bătaie pentru cei dispuși să facă un drum de minim 250 de km pe bicicletă pentru a ajunge la festival. Regulamentul de participare este disponibil pe www.electriccastle.ro/eco, iar data limită pentru înscrieri este 1 iunie 2015.Continue Reading..
Ride your bike to Transylvania and you get free entry to the Electric Castle Festival!
We are thrilled to launch EC015 (the Electric Castle Zero carbon footprint program 2015) with an exciting challenge: we are searching for eco-ambassadors who will promote the call for environmental protection across Europe.
Our partners from Electric Castle Festival offer free entry to the festival to those cyclists who are ready to take the challenge of riding their bikes from the United Kingdom to the Bánffy Castle, in Transylvania, the place where the biggest music outdoor electronic music festival in Romania takes place. Riders who want to take up the challenge mustContinue Reading..