Category: Voluntariat


Call for ECO Promoters and Volunteers at Electric Castle

It’s that time of the year when we call those who want to be part of the Electric Castle magic to join the ECO Crew. Choose a promoter or volunteer role to put your charm and energy into creating the most ECO music festival in Romania!

This edition, we are kicking-off the EC #ZeroWaste campaign, which we embrace as a long-term goal to reduce, reuse and recycle all the waste generated at the festival. We also continue our awareness program (#EcoCitizen) on reducing the carbon footprint by acting on energy and water consumption, transportation alternatives and social engagement.Continue Reading..


Internship: eco angels & guardians wanted for Electric Castle 2017

Hey there, lovely students, fresh graduates & professionals finding themselves at a turning point in your careers,

Are you looking for a place where you can be yourselves and, at the same time, develop your future careers or new skills?

Are you both fond of ecology & music and want to make a change in the world?

We are looking for part-time interns in the ECO program we are running at Electric Castle festival (12th-16th July 2017). Wanna be you? 

Here are the general terms of the internship:

  • you need to be available 4 hours/day to work remotely with us between 25th April – 25th July;
  • you will have 2 meetings/week with your coordinator;
  • you live in Bucharest or Brasov;
  • you have a laptop and good internet connection;
  • you are available for being present in Bontida (Cluj) between 10th-17th July and work a 6-hour shift / day or night – this work will be remunerated, and you will also get camping accommodation and a meal per day;
  • We expect from you: to embrace our vision, mission and values; to dedicate yourself to the project with enthusiasm, all the way through it; to be proficient in Romanian and English; to have strong writing skills;
  • We offer you: a once in a lifetime experience at Electric Castle and our mentorship so that, at the end of the three-months internship, you will have gained practical and diverse experience in the communication field, with a focus on: ecology and sustainability, organising events, brand development, social media, research and awareness campaigns and engaging with diverse audiences.


Roles in the team

  1. Music Drives Change (MDC) Angel
  • Content researcher, copywriter and social media manager of the blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts;
  • Project Manager of the MDC campaign at Electric Castle 2017.
Your strengths:  
  • You’re a natural in playing with words;
  • Curious like a cat, you love digging out the web for the most interesting pieces of news related to sustainability and the music industry;
  • A creative, an out-of-the box thinker, with a nice and natural social presence.

Continue Reading..


Change Agents for Electric Castle 2016 Wanted

UPDATE: The application is still open for two roles: Promoter and Social Media Communicator. Read below the description of the roles and APPLY HERE (click to fill in the form).

“We are the people who will green the world”

ECO volunteers wanted! MAINOI and Electric Castle are taking the ECO sustainability program of the festival further this year. After the success of our 2014 and 2015 programmes, we decided making this year’s program, named ECO Challenge, even bigger and bring the ECO site to the camping too, with an ECO cinema. For those of you who don’t know much about it, ECO Challenge is a project designed to raise awareness about climate change and to educate people about the importance of being eco-responsible.

This year we’re looking for a team of dedicated change agents, on both paid and unpaid positions, volunteers who share our vision and who are willing to be an active part of all of our eco-activities at the festival.

When and where?Continue Reading..


Voluntari la conferința Dr. OZ – 25 mai – Sala Palatului


UPDATE: sesiunea de training si informare va avea loc miercuri dimineata de la ora 07.00.

Vrei să îl vezi și să îl asculți pe Dr. OZ, cel mai celebru doctor din lume, în persoană, la evenimentul din 25 mai, de la Sala Palatului, București? Vino ca voluntar în echipa MAINOI!

Program și responsabilități:

  • marți, 24 mai: 18.00-22.00 pregătire welcome pack-uri și așezarea lor pe scaune, recunoașterea spațiului de eveniment, training și repetiție;
  • miercuri, 25 mai: 07.00-18.00 întâmpinare invitați, scanare bilete, oferire welcome packs, direcționare persoane în sală în funcție de zone, oferire de informații, verificare brățări de acces la reintrarea în sală după pauze.

Pachet motivațional:

– acces eveniment cel puțin o oră din speech Dr. OZ

– kit-ul participantului

– apă + sandviș în seara de dinainte de eveniment

– apă, cafea + sandviș în dimineața evenimentului

– prânzul în timpul evenimentului

Dacă ești interesat, aplică până duminică, 22 mai, inclusiv, completând formularul de aici:

Programul complet al conferinței:

Be Yourself and Change the World.