Category: News


Call for ECO Promoters and Volunteers at Electric Castle

It’s that time of the year when we call those who want to be part of the Electric Castle magic to join the ECO Crew. Choose a promoter or volunteer role to put your charm and energy into creating the most ECO music festival in Romania!

This edition, we are kicking-off the EC #ZeroWaste campaign, which we embrace as a long-term goal to reduce, reuse and recycle all the waste generated at the festival. We also continue our awareness program (#EcoCitizen) on reducing the carbon footprint by acting on energy and water consumption, transportation alternatives and social engagement.Continue Reading..


Cyclists Around the World Called to Be ECO-Ambassadors for Electric Castle

If you and your friends are cycling enthusiasts and got the rhythm in your veins, hop on your bike and have a blast at Electric Castle Festival. It’s on us! Free full pass, camping & other goodies await you at the gate of the Banffy Castle (Bonțida, Cluj).

Radu, a 2016’s ECO Ambassador, arrived at the Electric Castle after travelling 500 km by bicycle.

What do you have to do to become an ECO-Ambassador?

  • Choose an eco cause to promote before, during and after the festival. Any cause from deforestation to ecological education. Are you already working for a cause and you’re motivated to support it in the long run? Even better, your chances of being selected increase.
  • Pedal to the Banffy Castle from a distance greater than 250km.
  • Be visible online, a good communicator and active on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). The stronger your ability to reach people, the greater the chance of being selected.
  • Own a smartphone/tablet with mobile data. It is very important to have a device with Internet connection to share media content (photos, videos, live streaming) during your journey.
  • Have a public Strava account / other biking app. It is useful for proving your experience in pedalling on long distances. You will have to use this account to track your journey by bicycle towards Electric Castle.
  • Have the determination to convince as many festival participants as possible to join the ECO program at Electric Castle.
  • Own suitable cycling equipments and bicycle for this kind of journey.
  • Be experienced and physically capable to complete this kind of journey in safe conditions.
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Plan your journey ahead. We need you to be in Cluj-Napoca in the morning on the 12th of July (place and time TBA).

We greatly promote team working, but we also accept lone wolfs. Continue Reading..


Internship: eco angels & guardians wanted for Electric Castle 2017

Hey there, lovely students, fresh graduates & professionals finding themselves at a turning point in your careers,

Are you looking for a place where you can be yourselves and, at the same time, develop your future careers or new skills?

Are you both fond of ecology & music and want to make a change in the world?

We are looking for part-time interns in the ECO program we are running at Electric Castle festival (12th-16th July 2017). Wanna be you? 

Here are the general terms of the internship:

  • you need to be available 4 hours/day to work remotely with us between 25th April – 25th July;
  • you will have 2 meetings/week with your coordinator;
  • you live in Bucharest or Brasov;
  • you have a laptop and good internet connection;
  • you are available for being present in Bontida (Cluj) between 10th-17th July and work a 6-hour shift / day or night – this work will be remunerated, and you will also get camping accommodation and a meal per day;
  • We expect from you: to embrace our vision, mission and values; to dedicate yourself to the project with enthusiasm, all the way through it; to be proficient in Romanian and English; to have strong writing skills;
  • We offer you: a once in a lifetime experience at Electric Castle and our mentorship so that, at the end of the three-months internship, you will have gained practical and diverse experience in the communication field, with a focus on: ecology and sustainability, organising events, brand development, social media, research and awareness campaigns and engaging with diverse audiences.


Roles in the team

  1. Music Drives Change (MDC) Angel
  • Content researcher, copywriter and social media manager of the blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts;
  • Project Manager of the MDC campaign at Electric Castle 2017.
Your strengths:  
  • You’re a natural in playing with words;
  • Curious like a cat, you love digging out the web for the most interesting pieces of news related to sustainability and the music industry;
  • A creative, an out-of-the box thinker, with a nice and natural social presence.

Continue Reading..


Take Action against Food Waste

There are only two days left to vote for your favourite food waste reduction initiatives in Europe. 47 brilliant projects await your support in the REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest.

REFRESH is a research project supporting EU efforts to reduce food waste by 30% by 2025. It brings together 26 partners from 12 European countries and China to work towards Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to:

  • halve per capita food waste at the retail and consumer level
  • reduce food losses along production and supply chains
  • reduce waste management costs, and
  • maximize the value from un-avoidable food waste and packaging materials.

Our votes today went to:

The Zero Waste Aiud initiative of the Society for Responsible Consumption, which collects wasted food from the city market in Aiud, Romania and gives it to needy families.



Phenix – Giving products a second life, a social enterprise started in France to provide businesses with waste reduction services, connecting offer and demand of surplus through an innovative digital marketplace.


Cast your vote to the initiative you find most effective!


Concurs “DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER ECO Challenge – Music Drives Change”

Fă-ți încălzirea pentru EcoChallenge: vino cu patru prieteni in masina catre Electric Castle, posteazã public dovada foto pe pagina ta de FB sau Instagram, împreună cu hashtagurile ‪#‎ecochallenge‬ ‪#‎jbblendingspirits‬ și poți câștiga o pereche de căști Sony și o sticlă de 3 litri de whisky J&B.




Organizatorul concursului “ Diamonds Are Forever ECO Challenge – Music Drives Change ” (denumit in continuare “Concursul”) este Asociaţia MAINOI, cu sediul social în Braşov, str. Sitarului, nr. 11, bl. C30, sc. A, et. 2, ap. 5, înregistrată la Registrul asociaţiilor şi fundaţiilor ţinut la Judecătoria Braşov la poziţia 96/28.10.2014, cod fiscal numărul RO33934630, având contul numărul RO06RNCB0053144521160001, deschis la banca BCR, reprezentată de Nicoleta Cirjan cu funcţia de Presedinte, denumit in continuare Organizatorul.

Concursul se va derula cu respectarea prevederilor cuprinse in prezentul regulament (denumit in cele ce urmeaza “Regulamentul”). Termenii si conditiile prezentului Regulament, asa cum sunt prezentate mai jos, sunt obligatorii pentru toti participantii la concurs.

Organizatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica Regulamentul, aducand la cunostinta publicului acest fapt.


Concursul va fi organizat si se va desfasura in perioada 13 iulie-16 iulie 2016 pe, pagina oficiala de Facebook a formatiei de muzica Diamonds Are Forever.


La Concurs are dreptul sa participe orice persoana fizica cu domiciliul in Romania. Nu pot participa Organizatorii si alte persoane implicate in organizarea si desfasurarea concursului. Participarea la acest concurs are valoare de acceptare integrala si liber consimtita a prevederilor prezentului Regulament.

Dreptul de participare apartine in exclusivitate persoanei care indeplineste conditiile impuse de Regulament.


Concursul se desfasoara dupa cum urmeaza :
– In perioada 13 iulie-16 iulie 2016 (pana la orele 12.00) participantii trebuie sa posteze pe pagina personala de Facebook sau Instagram, catre audienta generala ( « public »), o fotografie care sa ii reprezinte, in masina pe drum spre Electric Castle impreuna cu alte minim alte 3 persoane, alaturi de hashtag-urile #EcoChallenge si #JBblendingspirits;
– In data de 16 iulie (pana la ora 18.00), juriul va desemna castigatorii;
– Organizatorul verifica daca participantul declarat castigator a indeplinit regulile de concurs;

Continue Reading..


Concurs ECO Challenge @Electric Castle 2016

UPDATE: Regulamentul s-a modificat la articolul 6 – Premiile. Toate categoriile de premii vor fi acordate prin tragere la sorti, cu, in ctombola fiind inscrisi toti participantii care au facut cel putin o actiune ECO.

ECO Challenge este provocarea pe care ți-o aruncăm la Electric Castle 2016: fii ECO, distrează-te și învață să protejezi mediul! Concursul este un joc prin care încercam să găsim cei mai ECO participanți la festival și să îi premiem pe măsură.

Tot ce trebuie să faci este să îndeplinești cu succes cât mai multe activități ECO din cele cinci categorii: Energie, Apă, Transport, Deșeuri și Social, și astfel să aduni cât mai multe puncte. Înscrierile se fac la ECO Spot-ul din festival, amenjat fix la intrarea in hide-out. Pentru acțiunile care au loc în camping (dușuri sau cinema) voluntarii vă oferă cartonașe pe loc, pe care ulterior trebuie să le preschimbați în puncte la ECO Spot din festival.

ECO Challenge 2016

ECO Challenge 2016


  • Acțiunile ECO se validează de către un voluntar ECO-Crew prin înscrierea directă în baza de date la ECO Spot.
  • Fiecare acțiune se punctează o singură dată.
  • Participanții trebuie să ofere datele de contact corecte și să fie de acord cu Regulamentul concursului.

Continue Reading..


Regulament Concurs “COMA ECO Challenge – Music Drives Change”

UPDATE (13.07.2016): regulamentul s-a modificat la articolul Premii: atat căștile, cat si sticla de J&B vor fi acordate celor doua persoane din fotografia câștigătoare.

Fă-ți încălzirea pentru EcoChallenge: fă un duș în doi pentru a reduce consumul de apă, postează dovada foto (fără detalii compromițătoare), împreună cu hashtagurile #ecochallenge #jbblendingspirits și poți câștiga o pereche de căști Sony și o sticlă de 3 litri de whisky J&B.

Citește REGULAMENTUL: 2016-06-28RegulamentComaEcoChallengeMusicDrivesChange


premii eco challenge


Join the ECO Challenge @ElectricCastle Festival & Follow Music Drives Change!


Regulament Concurs “Grimus ECO Challenge – Music Drives Change”

Fă-ți încălzirea pentru EcoChallenge: îmbracã-te în verde, mergi într-un colț din natură și posteazã dovada foto împreunã cu un mesaj creativ care să îndemne oamenii sã iubească natura, împreună cu hashtagurile #ecochallenge #jbblendingspirits și poți câștiga o pereche de căști Sony și o sticlă de 3 litri de whisky J&B. Ne vedem la EC 2016!

Citește REGULAMENTUL: 2016-06-15RegulamentGrimusEcoChallengeMusicDrivesChange


premii eco challenge


Join the ECO Challenge @ElectricCastle Festival & Follow Music Drives Change!


Change Agents for Electric Castle 2016 Wanted

UPDATE: The application is still open for two roles: Promoter and Social Media Communicator. Read below the description of the roles and APPLY HERE (click to fill in the form).

“We are the people who will green the world”

ECO volunteers wanted! MAINOI and Electric Castle are taking the ECO sustainability program of the festival further this year. After the success of our 2014 and 2015 programmes, we decided making this year’s program, named ECO Challenge, even bigger and bring the ECO site to the camping too, with an ECO cinema. For those of you who don’t know much about it, ECO Challenge is a project designed to raise awareness about climate change and to educate people about the importance of being eco-responsible.

This year we’re looking for a team of dedicated change agents, on both paid and unpaid positions, volunteers who share our vision and who are willing to be an active part of all of our eco-activities at the festival.

When and where?Continue Reading..


Bicicliști ECO-Ambasadori pentru Electric Castle 2016

UPDATE: Am ales echipele (verificați mail, inclusiv folderul spam), acestea sunt: GeoBikers, Banffy Bike, TriSport, ZorBa Team,  Croitorul & Co, Turul Bucuriei, Martorii Sfântului Pedalie, CGL (Cycling Garbage Lovers), Sirius. Sambata ii anunțam si pe ECO ambasadorii individuali.

Căutam bicicliști cu suflet eco și muzica în sânge, din România Mare (include Republica Moldova), care să devină ECO-Ambasadori pentru ediția Electric Castle 2016!

Alătură-te eco-ambasadorilor europeni care pedalează vara aceasta înspre castel și ajută-ne să transmitem mesajul unei vieți mai conștiente și mai prietenoase cu mediul.

eco-ambasadori romaniaContinue Reading..